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by Dan

Learn how you as well can contribute to the success of this blog. Be part of something great.

Are you earning on your blog?

I bet this was the first idea that crossed your mind, wasn’t it?! ?
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind living of something that is creative and worth sharing. I have spent lots of hours and I am still spending an incredible amount of time, effort and energy to come up with something nice and (I think/hope) worth sharing. At this point however I have a fixed job, a private life to attend to and I am not able to spend the entire day writing or going out shooting pictures. I am not going to ask money to access the content. It is pointless and simply idiotic. So it is free and will stay free! The only thing what I am seriously consider, is to cover the costs of bandwidth, website name, web hosting and related costs. So yes, do expect a Paypal section in the very near future.

Can I send you pictures?

By all means! What this blog foremost needs, is pictures: pictures say more than words.
Have you been to one of the places I have described in one of my articles or did you visit a place that is not yet listed? Are you an amateur photographer who wants to take part in something educationalcreativetouristic, … ? Be sure to be the photographer and give me the consent to publish for eternity and for the purpose of the article and on this blog.
Format requirements: 16×9 / High resolution please minimum 1920×1080, I compress them before publishing.
Send pictures now ▸

I like to write! Can I help out?

By George! You are the right man on the right place! I need you badly… ?
Becoming an author to this blog is the best you can do. The thing is… You would have to agree to the writing style of this blog. I do not want to publish lengthy articles and I do not copy and paste! So if you can come up with something inspiring then yes by all means, I need you!
Become an author now ▸

Do you feel that your article is not yet ready to be published but you wan Give your consent that your article can be published on this blog for eternity.
Here is my article ▸

Do you mind if I share this blog?

Are you kidding me?! I’d love it! Please share this blog with your friends/family/acquaintances if you haven’t already done it. Let’s have this blog gone viral! Spread your wings, do your share and become part of something creative and nice!

Do you mind if I leave a comment?

Oh come on! This is a BLOG! It is meant to be commented! I would love to receive positive feedback comments! Please comment, I beg you!  ?  If you think some things on this blog (menu, …) are missing or could be improved, do not hesitate and tell me! I am moderating the comments section though. Only purpose is to avoid spamming. If you just want to express your amazement and appreciation, then please also by all means, leave a comment!

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